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Choosing a Trainer for you LBD

Updated: Dec 13, 2023

So you have had your pup for 5 or 6 months maybe a year and the "T-Rex or Gremlin" of the teen years shines right through. Did you know that the most likely time for a pup to be re-homed or options considered is around 6 months to a year of age?

This is also a critical learning time for the pup. Ground work for socialization, learning who is alpha, safety limits and the future direction for them is developed at this age. So a few things that a trainer might appreciate from a potential client/pup would be :

* Kennel Trained

* Potty Trained

* Basic obedience

* Adult Teeth in

Having as much of this as possible will allow the trainer to focus on the goals you have for your pup in the field. It takes a couple of weeks to get the pup comfortable in a new setting and ready to learn. I would give 3 months for the Force Fetch process and make sure the last bit is with Ducks in the Mouth. Then your ready to begin training for Started level in the HRC world.

Choosing a Trainer/ Virtual Options and Training your own pup

Lets begin with Choosing a Trainer- In the Boykin World even today with all the growth and excitement of the breed, there are well known trainers out there who are highly recommended. If you have chosen your pup from an ethical breeder then I recommend reaching out to them for recommendations. They would be insightful on suggesting a trainer who may have worked with siblings of your pup and understand the individual characteristics of the breeding.

Virtual Tutorials - Virtual Classes are great for helping you understand what the pup is learning. If this is your first pup and you have a professional career outside of the dog world, I recommend sending the pup to a Boykin trainer. While the pup is learning you can get a better understanding of terminology and the skills that he/she is learning by watching trainers virtually. Then when you go to visit your pup or pick it up you will understand the gundog terminology they are speaking, how to begin working as a team with your pup and note the small differences between training styles. Along with YouTube and Big name traditional Lab trainers, today there is also Brown Dog Academy which I have used. I used this with my second Boykin and learned to Force Fetch her myself then sent her to a Boykin Trainer for tune ups before Nationals. I am now working with Brown Dog Academy transitioning her to Seasoned Level. This works well as you learn the sport. I am sure others will rise in the future as virtual learning becomes a norm.

Why I choose a Boykin Trainer

* They understand Boykins better as they are a different breed in a lot of ways. They (Boykins) want to be your one and only and feel special. They are natural at upland and have to be taught to run in a straight line when they naturally want to quarter.

* The Boykin Trainers I choose tend to have majority Boykins if not all Boykins which makes me feel better about leaving a smaller breed pup with them

* It gets you connected into the Boykin World which is still spread out across the Nation and a challenge to met folks with common interest and pups.

* They can help you in answering questions on the breed and recommend others to connect with

Lastly a Trainer may Give Up on your PUP..... You should Never Give Up on your Pup. There are times when we all question ourselves, the pup and the future. I did once and I am so glad I had a mentor to encourage me to try again and not give up. You will be too.

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